Are Play Pens Bad?

Play Pens

Post-natal care is a delicate task with baby safety as a top priority to any parent.

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Over the years, manufacturers have strived to uphold customer satisfaction through reliable toddler products.

Play pens in particular have come a long way from weak traditional models to more sturdy and comfy options.

These renovations have worked to fairly eliminate skepticism towards the units.

Modern house designs have turned play pens into more of a necessity.

Even with baby proof homes there is still a possibility that your infant could get hurt in indoor spaces.

While some caregivers tend to worry about play yard safety levels, here are some of the advantages it has to offer:

Provides a safe place to place baby for short periods as you catch up on house hold chores or other tasks.

Double up as bed cots for baby.

Can easily fold down to sizeable entities that are easy to pack.

Are made light weight with designer carrying bags.

Are very easy to assemble and disassemble.

Come in colorful set pieces that aesthetically improve baby’s room appearance.

Are suitable for both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Experts suggest play pens anytime from the age of 6 or 7 months or as soon as baby starts crawling.

With critical care, efficient versions can last your toddler up to 2 years.

When buying one it is advisable to think of where it will be used and for what purpose so as to maximize on effectiveness.

In light of all its benefits, what then poses as a risk factor?

We take a look at some of the circumstances under which play yards can become dangerous

  1. Incorrect placement area

A wrong location is a recipe for disaster.

These cribs should be kept as far as possible from windows or electronics.

Curtain drapes can easily wrap around the baby’s neck to cause death from strangulation.

Electronic devices are equally prone to mishaps or short circuits that will not end well.

The safest positions should be somewhat in the center of the room.

  1. Attachable accessories

These units come with complementary tools such as bassinets, toys, special bells and whistles that have in the past proven hazardous.

Due to high toddler activity children become susceptible to choking from loose strings that dangle off the toys.

In some cases, they can swallow them

if they are small enough. Weak bassinets equally give way and drop the child.

  1. Soft beddings

Statistics show over 200 pen related deaths since 1988 with additional numbers registered from serious injuries.

100 of these deaths are attributed to foam materials, comforters and pillows.

Due to underdeveloped features infants require solid paddings to support their weight, very spongy materials only engulf their bodies making it hard to breathe.

According to health experts this is the leading cause to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Play pens also become dangerous when ill-fitting mattresses are positioned inside in search for extra comfort.

This leaves an allowance between the edge of the mattress and side wall of the structure wedging your baby in-between.

  1. Over use and mishandling

Play yards are meant to be a safe spot only for short periods while parents keep a keen eye.

Extended time frames paired with neglect creates boredom paving way for mischievous acts.

Older toddlers who can pull themselves to standing positions may lever out of the pen or unintentionally tip over hurting themselves.

For structures made of mesh, extra attention is paramount.

A side recklessly rolled down creates a pocket that your young one can get entrapped in and possibly suffocate.

Moreover, sides not locked in securely slop off into V shaped surfaces that increase the suffocation risk.

  1. Wide rail ventilations

Side frames pose as a threat when they are too spaced.

Traditional wood pens were designed with broad slats that ensnared toddlers’ fingers with others big enough for them to fit their heads in.

Today, even with technological advancements some still come up short of secure edges.

Metal frames are cautioned against because of dangerous toxic lead substances that are harmful when inhaled.

An insecure boundary or risky material- substance are unpleasant for your baby.

  1. Old worn out pens

Play yards are not exempted from wear and tear.

Once used for extensive periods the structure becomes eligible to sudden abrupt collapses.

Other times damage arises from infant activity.

When your child starts to teeth, they tend to chew on just about anything.

This agitation leads to holes or tears.

If not attended to the dents could play out into worse injuries.

In order to safely maximize on pens and prevent SIDS pediatricians give the following tips:

  • Before placing your baby inside ensure the pen is steadily secured. Follow the manufacturer’s manual for the appropriate set up.
  • For children 12 months and below place him or her to sleep on a back position with no soft beddings.
  • Check your baby for loose cloth threads that could potentially strangle during sleep hours.
  • Make certain that your play pen’s openings are less than a ¼ inch wide all across to prevent cloth buttons getting caught on.
  • Strictly stick to floor padding/ mattresses that come with the product.
  • Always check on your play pen’s condition regularly for revamps. In case of extensive damage get a new one.
  • For bigger babies, remove boxes and large toys or that could help them climb out.
  • Pens with lid modifications should be avoided if possible.
  • Refrain from play pens with protruding rivets or sharp edges that could snag clothes.
  • Keep plastic bags away from the pen’s environs.
  • Before purchasing a pen ensure it has a safety mark or approved by the government.

Further play pen restrictions indicate an increase to the minimum height of the sides of the play pens along with their bassinet attachments.

Manufacturers are expected to limit stationery wheels to a maximum of two.

Final word

Baby cribs remain the safest option for child rest however play pens can serve as an alternative when the need arises.

As long as safety precautions are upheld you can rest assured of protected play time and sleep hours.