Do Parents Use Playpens Anymore?

Have playpens lost their glory?

Playpens have in the past been an ordinary part of a child’s lifetime.

They provide your child with a safe space to play in while freeing you as the parent to engage other activities within the house.

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Your child can independently play in the playpen as you attend to your household’s needs.

It keeps your child from wandering around while you are away with the possibility of getting in harm’s way.

Playpens are not only used in the home; they are also used in daycares and preschools where the children are kept safe as they play.

Playpens have also evolved through time to make them multipurpose.

They have additional features like storage for toys, a changing station, and a baby gate.

This has made them more and more useful for the child’s needs as well as the caregivers.

Most playpens even come with bassinets in which your baby can sleep during their playtime or naptime.

You, therefore, do not need to move your baby from one room to another when you need to change them or put them to sleep.

The additional storage can be used to store the toys as well as in storing the diaper for changing the child while at the playpen.

Through time, playpens have continued to lose their popularity since they are viewed as a hindrance to the child’s freedom of movement by locking them up into small spaces.

Parents who still use playpens for their children are frowned upon and possession of playpens is seen as a sort of a loss of status.

Certain persons have alluded that children who use playpens experience delays in their development and may suffer both physical and mental harm.

These thoughts are propagated by those who are in support of children exploring their environments and feel like playpens inhibit this.

However, there are no documented research findings to support these thoughts.

While it is true that keeping the child in the playpen for extended periods of time may limit your child’s ability to explore their environment, keeping your child from touching potentially dangerous things can help train them on developing boundaries.

It also gives you peace of mind knowing that your child is safely playing away from harm’s way.

Occasionally, the child can be left to explore the house when you are present to supervise them.

This can help them to learn more about their home environment.

Benefits of using a playpen

You, as a parent, need to find a balance between having your baby in the playpen and letting them explore the house.

It is not advisable to leave your child in the playpen the whole day and so finding this balance is necessary.

You can have your baby in the playpen for short periods of time and then let them explore and play in a baby-proofed environment.

Since the claims of the limitations of playpens are unfounded, you can reap the tremendous benefits that are associated with the use of playpens.

Some of the reasons why you should have a playpen in your house are:

  1. Playtime

Independent play is an important aspect of your child’s development.

Most playpens are built in such a way that your baby can freely play and roll over without the worry of them hitting their heads on a piece of furniture.

Since most playpens are portable, you can carry them with you to the beach, for a picnic or for an afternoon at the park.

This keeps them safe as they play.

Having your child in the playpen, however, does not release you from taking the responsibility of supervising your child’s playtime.

For outdoor use, ensure that you find a shade to place the child’s playpen so that they are safe from the scorching sun.

  1. Napping

Playpens are perfect areas for your child to take a nap in.

Playpens are padded and they are comfortable for your baby to nap in.

They also come with a bassinet feature that is a comfortable place for your baby to take a nap in.

When sharing a room with your baby, the bassinet feature can be convenient for your nursing baby to sleep in the night.

Children at times fall asleep during their playtime and so the playpen gives them the safe space to sleep in.

This releases you from the need to move them to their beds or cots during which they may wake up and refuse to sleep again.

Having the playpen situated in a quiet part of the room can be helpful in it being a perfect place for napping.

Having your baby napping in a playpen is also beneficial in training your child to nap in new places which would make their transition from your bed to a separate bedroom and easier venture.

This also comes in handy when you have to travel with your child since they can sleep in a different bed without much fuss.

This would be great to help in training them ahead of a vacation or a visit to the grandparents.

It is important to take precautions when having your baby sleeping or napping in the playpen.

While stuffed animals can be comforting for your baby while they sleep, they can be unsafe for your baby since they can smother them.

Ensure that once the baby falls asleep, you have removed anything hazardous to your baby during sleep.

  1. Complete your to-do list

While your child plays in the playpen with toys, you can take care of the items on your to-do list while keeping an eye on your child.

You may be needed to complete a chore around the house, attend to another child, make the much-needed phone call, or even take that toilet break.

There are also those times during the day that you need both hands free for a certain activity, having your child in a playpen keeps you from worrying about their safety while attending to these things.

When do you introduce the child to the playpen?

The time you introduce your baby to the playpen is important.

It has been established that putting your child in the playpen is not a way to get rid of them.

It is not advisable to put a newborn in a playpen since they need a lot of stimulation so that they can develop well.

Not only that, but it is also advisable to let your baby develop milestones like being able to roll over and hold their heads up before you can put them in a playpen.

You can introduce them as early as four months old so that they can get used to this environment.

Having them stay in the playpen for short periods of time will get them to get used to the playpen.

Waiting until they are older will make them unable to adjust to it since they may not be feeling safe in this strange environment.

The best time for having the babies in the playpen is from six months.

At this time, they can sit independently.

They also love new toys at this age and can play independently for short periods of time without causing a fuss.

Keeping your child safe in the playpen

Your child’s safety is very important when using a playpen.

While the market has a variety of playpens to choose from, you will need to choose one that keeps your child safe during their playtime or nap time.

Ensure that you choose a playpen that has a solid finish to it.

You do not want to have a playpen that can easily collapse on your baby.

The hinges and supports need to be well protected so that your baby’s fingers are kept safe.

When assembling your playpen, ensure that you assemble it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Keep the playpen in a quiet and safe place away from things that would distract your baby and make them want to reach out for them.

Do not place them near windows since they can strangle themselves with the chords on the drapes.

Do not hang toys using strings on the playpen since these can also be strangling hazards to your baby.

Also, keep items that can choke your baby out of the way.

Ensure that the mattress padding does not open or torn places since babies have been known to pinch and eat the foam which can choke them.

You should never leave the side of your mesh playpen lowered since your baby can roll and get trapped in it.

This can be a hazard for suffocation.

Also ensure the playpen’s mesh is not torn since this can create spaces in which the child’s fingers can get trapped.

Ensure that the mesh is firmly attached to the floor plate and the top rail.

The most important thing to remember for the safety of your child in the playpen is that your child’s safety begins with you.

Your baby should not be left in the playpen without supervision.

Also train your baby’s caregivers on how to use the playpen to ensure your baby’s safety.

This guarantees that your baby is safe at all times and that any hazardous situations are dealt with promptly.