What Age Is A Playpen For?


Every parent of a growing toddler has come to that point; when they seek to place their baby aside for a moment and have a minute to themselves.

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Playpens provide this safe space.

A space where the infant can be placed, and the guardian can have a minute to do a chore, pick a phone call, or just breathe.

A playpen, is also known as a play yard. It is a portable piece of collapsible furniture.

The playpen is usually made of wood, metal, or plastic.

It is an enclosure in which, a toddler can be placed to play with minimal supervision from a parent/ guardian.

The idea of a playpen, developed in our caveman days.

The cavewoman discovered that she could safely secure her child in a corner of the cave, with just a simple barrier.

The idea for the modern play yard did not come until the early 1900s.

Why should you buy a playpen?

Raising a toddler is not a simple task.

A toddler, is a bursting ball of energy.

He/she needs constant supervision and attention by the parent/guardian.

A playpen, is an opportunity not only to give the guardian a minute to relax but also to give the toddler a chance to learn independence.

The following are the reasons to buy a playpen:

It provides a safe space to place the child

The play yard, provides a safe corner in which an infant may be contained when the adult supervisor needs to work or relax.

An infant needs constant supervision.

This may make it impossible to perform many tasks around the house such as cleaning or ironing.

The play yard allows the child to be safely contained, giving the guardian a little time to perform duties and tasks.

To keep the baby safe from house pets such as dogs and cats

Having pets around a growing infant is an amazing thing.

It allows the child to interact with living creatures other than human beings.

However, at times it is necessary to keep these animals away from the child, for example if the animal is sick.

Placing a baby inside a playpen keeps the animals a far.

This safety can further be galvanized by covering the playpen.

The baby, is therefore, safely within in an enclosed space.

Can be used as a portable crib

Most playpens can be collapsed and carried in a travel bag.

This is quite useful especially during travel.

Parents can simply collapse the playpen and put it in a bag.

They will, therefore, have a potential crib for the baby anywhere they go.

The portable crib can be used while going to the beach or the park.

It can be used as an outdoor play area and bed for the baby when tired.

It is a safe space to place the infant as they enjoy the sun and the outdoors.

What age is the playpen for

After buying the playpen, the next big question to answer is, what time in a child’s life is the playpen most suitable for?

A playpen should only be used when an infant can crawl, grasp objects, roll over and sit up.

This, in normal circumstances, happens when a toddler is about six to eight months old.

Never should an infant who has not achieved these milestones be placed in a play yard.

There are very many reasons for this.

First, an infant requires constant stimulation from its parents or guardian’s human interaction, which consists of being touched, cradled, and spoken to by adults’ aids in the development of the child.

Placing a young infant in a playpen denies them this most precious learning experience.

This denial, could adversely affect the child’s behavioral development.

Therefore, only toddlers who have shown an interest of being independent and exploring the world on their own can be placed therein.

Second, infants who cannot sit up, stand, grasp, or rollover, will find it difficult to entertain themselves in the playpen.

They can only lie down and roll over.

They will soon enough become bored and irritable.

A playpen cannot be used forever. When the toddler can stand and begin walking around, it is time to pack up the playpen.

This will happen when the toddler turns about the age of ten or twelve months.

At this time, the toddler has a much broader interest of the world around them.

Since they can walk around and touch things, they will want to do that more often.

Placing them in the play yard may cause them to become increasingly frustrated.

Being confined in a small space and not being able to explore will give them a feeling of being trapped.

Therefore, the best age to use the playpen for your baby is between the age of six or seven months and about one year.

At this time the child will be old enough to sit up, grasp and crawl but young enough not to feel trapped.

It is also important to ensure that the child has reached important milestones as illustrated above.

The Do’s and Don’ts while using a playpen

While using a play yard it is important to keep the following tips in mind;


Associate the playpen with good and happy things

While introducing your toddler to the playpen, associate the playpen with things the baby enjoys.

Let the baby know that the pen is a happy safe place.

Doing this, will make it easier for the baby to stay longer and not to get frustrated or irritable every time you place your baby in it.

Clean the playpen.

Keep the playpen as clean as a whistle.

Your precious toddler will spend a considerable time there, so it is best to keep it as clean as possible.

This will ensure that the baby does not contract an infection or disease.


The only and most important don’t, is to never to leave the toddler unattended.

The playpen is not a babysitter.

It is a safe playing area for the child.

As a guardian, stay close and keep an eye on the child ensuring that it is safely playing.