What Are The Cutest Girl Names?

The Cutest Girl Names

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One of the most exciting joys is when a parent gets to usher their new born into the world.

It may be marked by a colorful celebration filled with flamboyant gifts, or a simple warm gathering of close friends.

Either way, it is a milestone.

Such a highlight however brings with it a fair share of distress when it comes to deciding the right name for the new born.

More so if it is a girl.

Because of the underlying pressure to get it right, parents and guardians tend to every so often go over numerous names in search for the one that would best suit the baby.

For a baby girl, a sweet name would be a cherry on the icing.

A name to match her cute face, her tiny adorable features and exude warmth!

Also a playful name would just be a plus.

While there is no definite list of names “that you can never go wrong with”, there are a few trendy girl names that have appealed to a significant population.

Top trendy baby girl names

According to a report by the  United States Social Security in 2018,  some of the popular baby girl names that have transcended time include: Emma, Olivia Ava, Isabella, Sophia just to mention a few.

The above names were recorded as among the trendiest in that particular year.

In 2019 progressing to 2020, the names have evolved into the likes of: Haisley, Adalee, Oaklynn Meaghan, Dior, Palmer, Keily, Novah, Yara and Ensley. These were recorded as the top ten girl names on the rise.

On the flip side, trendy does not directly translate to cute, so some of these common names could be a potential turn off to other parents.

This therefore begs the question, “what exactly leads to the perfect name?”

Pointers to a perfect cute name

Here are some of the possible leads that may end that long daunting search for your baby’s name.


Some of the best baby names are coined from a place of creativity.

This brings out a sense of uniqueness, originality and a fresh feel altogether.

It may just be that extra touch to make your baby girl stand out from the rest.

Culture and tradition

The last thing a parent would want is to disassociate their baby from their roots.

It is what gives identity and a sense of purpose.

Therefore, other than the English names, incorporating that family name completes the whole set, and makes her all the more adorable.


While this may not be appearing to be much of a big deal, meaning does add flavor making the name pleasant to the ear.

A few of the meanings as captured in an article by mom junction include: Rosalind meaning pretty rose, Lynne meaning beautiful waterfall, Abigail for “a father’s joy” and many more.

Meanings can therefore add more beauty to the bearer of the name.


This is key, and this equally applies to names.

A very long name can be a mouthful and very monotonous to keep pronouncing.

Simple names on the other hand are light and a step in the right direction.

Aesthetic touch

Other than just incorporating meaning to your baby girl’s name, why not make it aesthetic as well?

Elements like nature, art, precious stones, exotic islands come with a soothing effect.

For example, names like Lily or Rainbow are such a delight!

For that reason, a cute name is likely to pop up from such inspirations.

Complementary sources to cute girl names

While the above leads can generate a cute name, there are other complementary sources from which you can easily pick out one without having to channel a lot of energy in to it. For instance:


Sharing a name with a renown individual comes with its own advantages.

Much more if they are popular for good reasons.

For example, powerful names like Oprah, Michelle Obama, Serena Williams naturally command attention and a huge liking.


According to evidence provided by baby center, names are cropping up from the normal day to day foods.

These names are quickly spreading and gaining popularity with Kiwi and Maple being at the fore front.

Unisex names

These are names that cut across both genders.

Over the recent years these names have continually become a trend.

Some of them may even incline more towards the male species but that is the beauty of it.

Examples include: Alex, Jordan, Blake, Ryan, Avery, which are not very obvious girl names.

This will keep people guessing your baby’s gender.

Common naming mistakes that parents make

Here are few pitfalls that thin out your chances of landing on that cute name and how to avoid them.


Strong bold names or very traditional ones create an imbalance.

If the first name is striking then a second more subtle one balances it out and vice versa.

Constricting your child to purely one of the categories will not land you a cute name.

Over repetition

Family traditions and naming practices can lead to this.

If a name e.g.: Daisy is carried forward from generation to the next it can easily feel old and boring.

However, this can be solved by a one of a kind middle name to follow it.

Complicated spellings

Names with challenging spellings are a recipe for disaster.

Some parents do this with the intention of making the name more fun and interesting but most times the results are quite contrary.

A name that constantly has your daughter agitated from mispronunciations and wrong spelling is unlikely to feel cute.

Settling for a name

The option of settling for a name can be tempting especially if none seems to quite capture what you are looking for, or if you just want it out of your way.

This can be problematic as the name arrived at may not gratify you.

How much more your daughter?

Key things to remember 

  • Avoid unnecessary pressure and anxiety. Go through your naming process with ease, patience and consult with your spouse or close relatives.
  • Carefully plan. Begin to think of what names you can give to your baby girl right from an early stage. This prepares you psychologically for the task ahead.
  • Have an allowance for nick names. They add an enjoyable feel to the official name. Go for names that can accommodate one.
  • Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You are at liberty.
  • Consider how the overall name sounds, and how it all comes together. If it doesn’t feel natural or comfortable, do not hesitate to revisit.
  • Lastly, have fun with it!  It helps ease the burden and allows your creative juices come into play.