When Should I Stop Using A Bassinet?


This is a cradle for babies’ special made for them during that infant stage from birth to about six months.

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This period is so until the baby can move, push up with their hands or roll over.

It has been used by moms from the ancient times before Christ, i.e. times of Moses until to date with a few modifications as times change.

They are typically placed beside the bed for easy access to the baby.

It therefore makes night time feeding easy as well as ease up new mum anxiety as she recovers and still attends to the baby.

It can be fixed to be the same height as the bed for easy access to the baby.

It’s a great option for parents who don’t want to co-sleep with their children.

They may or may not have weight restrictions this is purely based on the brand purchased.

Bassinets have a wide variety of variations but they all fall under these classifications:

  • Portable bassinets
  • Sturdier bassinets

How to place a baby in a bassinet:

  • Always place the baby lying on their back
  • Share the room with the child until the child is at least 6 months old
  • Never leave any loose objects in the sleeping area
  • Ensure there are no crib bumpers
  • There should be no sleep positioners in the cradle, i.e. pillows.

Features to consider in good baby bassinets:


This needs to be thin and firm.

The mattress thickness is typically less than 1 inch thick.

This prevents the child from chocking.

When selecting the mattress, pick one that is made from non-toxic material, for instance, foam is very dangerous as it emits vapor which can increase the risk of asthma.

Look for a mattress pad that is easy to clean and does not necessarily need to use bedsheets.

A waterproof mattress would be a huge plus as all you do is wipe it down.

It is also believed that a soft mattress can promote Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

The child will be cozy as the mattress will support the infant.

Mesh walls

This is more preferable as the baby will toss from side to side and might press his head to the sides.

The material needs to be breathable and natural or untreated.

This will help prevent the child from suffocating.

If the sides do not have mesh, ensure you look into the spacing, so that it does not pose a risk to the baby such as; breaking, falling over, hanging, suffocation or even death.


This helps you keep an eye on your baby.

You can select one with wheels for easy movement.

As a caregiver or parent, you want to have your eyes on your child and still work around the house.

The bassinets can come with fixed legs or casters.

Stability and height

This is so as to support baby’s weight.

It needs to be stable especially if you have other children or pets in the house, so that the baby doesn’t topple over.

The height should be one that doesn’t get you exhausted as you get baby for the night feeding or diaper changes.


This is to keep baby essentials as the baby needs to be changed, avoiding moving around.

If you can get one that has a lower tray where you can place diapers, tissues and oil.


This is solely to soothe the baby and possibly lull him.

This helps the mum to be a bit hands off.

This also helps the baby to be a little independent as you will not always be snuggling or cuddling the baby.


This helps shield the child from excess light which can irritate or wake the baby.

It can also hold a net to prevent insect bites e.g., mosquito bites.


This is to determine how big the cradle should be, this is dependent on the available space in the house.

One wants to ensure that the bassinet can swivel and is adjustable.

That the base can slide under the bed for easy storage.

Size and baby development

Most bassinets have a weight restriction.

This poses a challenge as babies come in different sizes, the bigger babies will fast outgrow the bassinets.

Some just don’t like the small spaces as they feel restricted, others will be more exposed to suffocation risk as they are able to move or roll over.

With regard to development this is the baby’s ability to roll over, sit or push themselves up.


Consider your budget as the bassinet will only be used for a few months.

Ensure you don’t dig into your savings and get stuck in a rut, as baby essentials are quite expensive.

Benefits of a bassinet:

Safety they are generally safe as long as they are in good condition.

Peace of mind

You are able to achieve this as the baby is right next to you and you are able to attend to his/ her needs as need be without exertion.

One is also able to get a good night sleep as you are not in fear of not hearing the baby cry or crushing the baby as you sleep.


The baby can move around with you from room to room as opposed to you having to rush when you hear the baby cry.

It also allows you to attend to baby’s need much faster hence in turn less crying and a less cranky baby.

When the baby gets to three or four months of age, they can comfortably roll over by themselves.

Therefore, this means they could easily tip the bassinet over.

One safety measure is to use an infant bed or toddler bed instead.

Overall, bassinets have more pros for an infant this is because of the features they have.

Bassinets are truly a life saver for new mums.

They also have very beautiful designs and are not as clanky as cribs.

Remember a happy baby equals a happy mum and a happy wife and a happy family.