Why Is The Rock N Play Not Safe?

The Rock N Play

There are several baby gears that parents buy since they are overwhelmed by the baby on the way, or even the new born.

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It should be quite clear for the parents that when you enter a baby shop, not everything you see there is actually safe for your baby.

Before you buy any baby gear research on the safety measures first then proceed to buy it.

A toddler’s safety and health should be the first priority for every parent.

The rock n play is among the baby gears that have raised concerns to both parents and pediatricians.

The rock n play is also called an inclined sleeper.

The rock n play is not safe for babies because of several reasons.

If you are using a rock n play for your baby, then do not use it for a long time unmonitored.

A rock n play is categorized as a baby holding device.

The consequences of using a rock n play to your baby are highlighted and clearly explained below.

Risks involved when using a rock n play

  • Head flattening

This is among the most negative effects the rock n play has on your baby.

There is no doubt that your baby should sleep on her back.

The rock n play interferes with the shape of your baby’s head.

This is caused by using the baby holding devices like the rock n play.

The baby’s movements are restricted by the external forces, for example the rock n play, hence making the baby suffer a flat head.

  • Muscle imbalances

Babies are actually born with very subtle imbalanced muscles.

When the baby is born, he is born in “fetal position”.

This position is not meant to last for long.

Your little one should start adjusting to a normal baby posture within the first week.

This fetal position is the position that the baby is usually in while in the womb.

Using the rock n play actually limits the baby from stretching out from the womb position.

Using the rock n play for your baby limits your little one to explore his or her body and his movements that help him explore other positions that are not that fetal position he arrived in.

  • Slow motor development

The rock n play device holds your baby in a cozy and comfy position.

Within the first week, it is proven that the tiny movements your baby makes with the head and her limbs against the gravity are important for motor development.

The baby holding devices restrict the baby’s ability to gain strength through her movements.

Research shows that the babies that majorly use the rock n play are more likely to score less on the motor development tests for infants.

  • Slow sensory development

These rock n plays prevent the sensory development of baby after birth.

The excess usage of rock n plays causes slow sensory development.

The rock n play does not give the baby a chance to familiarize with the sounds in her new environment.

The first months are very critical for the baby’s sensory development.

A baby should engage with her environment so as to get accurate information from her senses.

  • They cause Torticollis

This is a condition that causes the baby’s head to get a sudden tilt or turn due to neck tightness.

This condition is caused by the over use of these baby holding devices like the rock n plays.

Infant positioners if overused they cause this kind of a condition to the baby.

This is because the rock n play is soft and it does not have a balanced pressure to allow for neck movements.

The baby in this rock n play stays in a posture that he or she seems like she is held.

Hence making the head and neck get stiffness on one side.

As a result, the baby adapts to that held position then later on causes this torticollis condition.

  • They may cause a condition called asphyxia.

This is a condition caused when the baby faces difficulty in breathing.

This condition may cause sudden death to the infant. The rock n play has a soft cozy surface and some of them come with toys.

These devices may cause infant suffocation.

If the baby turns in while sleeping in the baby holder, they risk getting suffocated.

Parents should stop the use of rock n plays because they compromise the airways of the baby.

There are many deaths that have been reported which have actually been caused by suffocation because of these rock n plays.


We should all appreciate the works of creativity.

Rock n plays are a result of creativity.

Where one thinks of a device that will give the baby comfort like they are being held.

The work behind it is actually phenomenal but we should look at the risks involved in such a device.

A lot of care needs to be taken on babies each and every time.

The rock n play does not follow the sleep guidelines of a baby.

Pediatricians actually advise that babies should sleep on their backs on flat and firm surfaces.

When the baby is sleeping there should be nothing cuddly or even soft near them to avoid the dangers of suffocation which may cause death.

It is quite clear that the rock n plays are not safe for babies.

There is so much we put at stake when we use a rock n play.

The shape of your baby’s head depends on what your baby sleeps on.

The baby’s bones and the skull are soft so if they are put in positions that interfere with their shapes then it might be hard to correct later on.

Your son’s or daughter’s life depends on how he or she sleeps and what he or she actually sleeps on.

Make sure you follow the guidelines for babies’ sleep.

The rock n play is a device that you should not consider buying but if you have it already then make sure there is very minimal of its use.

Better safe than sorry.

This should act as a wakeup call if you use the rock n play device for your little bundle of joy.

You may consider getting a nice bassinet for your baby here.